Jane Oelke, ND, PhD
Traditional Naturopath and Doctor of Homeopathy
Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coach Specialist
NBC-HWC - National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach
Amen University Brain Health Professional and Licensed Trainer
Restore your health using natural lifestyle energy medicine techniques .
Specializing in homeopathy and functional medicine analysis
Discover the root cause of your current health challenges non-invasively!
In- Office Services
Limbic Stress Assessment
Using energetic biofeedback software see your reactions to organs, foods, environmental, chemical and immune toxins, hormones, metabolism, nutrition, and emotions. Get help to discover what your individual needs are to rebalance.
Discover the underlying cause of your health conditions, and the priority areas for healing - Are you toxic? Metabolism issues? Immune system weakness? Hormone imbalances?
Find out how your supplements are working for you and what you need to keep you healthy. You can bring in supplements to be tested for effectiveness
Scalar Rife
Energy Therapy
Specific Rife frequencies are directed to you using scalar energy to improve circulation and move pathogens out.
Sit in this scalar field while individualized Rife frequencies are sent to you to balance your immune system, metabolism, nervous system, and overall energy.
Preventive Thermography
Thermography creates a digital map of your body’s internal heat patterns. Warmer areas shows up as stress in the tissues. An HD scanning infrared camera measures your body surface temperature, presenting the information as a digital image.
Since your body should be thermally symmetrical when normal, differences on each side of the body can indicate problems. (Red = warm, green= cool)
Uses - Breast Screening - especially safe for women under 50 with dense breasts.
Muscle and nerve pain areas - you can see before and after treatment results.
Specialty Items
Natural Fibromyalgia Choices - Book
Be free of chronic pain! Discover the cause of your pain, and learn techniques to get your energy back.
Natural Fibromyalgia Choices delivers hope to people with fibromyalgia showing effective ways to reduce nervous system stress that is making your muscles cry out in pain.
Do the Cause of Pain quiz from this book in the last section of this page.
Functional Blood Analysis
Blood tests normal? Look at common blood test results according to optimal ranges and see metabolic needs relating to liver and kidney health.
See if your immune system is fighting a chronic stealth infection affecting your energy levels. Are you heading toward an auto-immune condition?
Find out why you don’t have the energy you need. See your nutritional needs.
Send me your recent CBC with differential, Complete Metabolic Panel, and Lipid Panel as a baseline basic screening to JOelke33@gmail.com
Improve Your Energetic Intuition - Online Course
Learn the skill of self-muscle testing to test yourself on products beneficial to you.
This self-guided course explains how muscle testing works, and shows you how to do 3 different types of self-muscle tests using documents and videos in course format.
Learn advanced techniques on how to release emotions held in your body affecting your energy.